Ashlee Glazer

Ashlee has traveled around the globe as a the Global Ambassador of Smith Cult. Her work included training and education for salon partners that hosted events, as well as demonstrations at the desk of Marie Claire London. Ashlee utilizes this expertise in all of her current activities. Ashlee Glazer, and I are beauty lovers since I was a child. I've been on every level of business from the counter up to the red carpet. Celebs Brides and the regular clients I deal with keeps me active and offer me advice and tips to share live as an expert on fashion and beauty. When I am tired from my days I like spending time in nature and at a big dinner table with family and friends. My goal is to combine my resources and community in order for me to be entertaining, instructing and share my art. Ashlee Glazer is a live makeup artist and beauty expert. She is a celebrity artist-inspiring her clients to build confidence and strength, while also empowering self-expression. Ashlee Glazer's work empowers women to feel beautiful and confident while conquering the universe. Kyle Glazer is my sister. Her birth date is May 12. The parents of Kyle Glazer were Harry Glazer as well as Jennifer Glazer. Goshen appealed to me since I instantly felt the right place when I stepped onto campus. I found myself drawn by the environment on campus and team dynamics. Coach P. Ryan helped me to make my choice. A watcher's favorite athletic moment is when they win the national or state championship.

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